/* eslint-disable quotes */
* Gives a valid Discord emoji structure when given an emoji mention.
* @param {String} text Emoji mention. e.g. <:bitcoin:844240546246950922>
* @returns {Object}
function resolveEmoji(text) {
if (typeof text !== "string")
throw new TypeError("GLUON: The emoji must be a string.");
const emojis = text.match(/<:[^:\s]+:[0-9]+>|<a:[^:\s]+:[0-9]+>/g);
if (!emojis || emojis.length == 0) {
if (/\p{Extended_Pictographic}/u.test(text))
return { name: text, id: null };
return null;
const splitEmoji = emojis[0].replace(/<|>/g, "").split(":");
return {
id: splitEmoji[2],
name: splitEmoji[1],
animated: splitEmoji[0] == "a" ? true : false,
export default resolveEmoji;